Exploring the research world in the spirit of Alexander von Humboldt. Publishing on Augmented Reality since 2000. Born and raised in Munich (Germany). Abroad since graduation in 2005. Chess lover.

Directed Labs
  • Augmented Reality
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Human Perception
  • Dr. rer. nat. (Computer Science), 2005

    Technische Universität München

  • Diplom-Informatiker (Computer Science), 2001

    Technische Universität München

screen reader text

screen reader text

screen reader text


AI Video Generation - The Future is already here
December 2024 - This month, a groundbreaking generative AI video model was released. And no, it’s neither Sora nor Veo 2… As a proof-of-concept, we made an AI remake of “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly” with it.
AI Video Generation - The Future is already here
AI Experiments
October 2024 - Over the last 2 years, I have been doing a lot of AI experiments. I finally got around to starting a section for those on my webpage here. I will try to regularly update it with my past and future experiments. To kick off, I describe my recent video generation results.
AI Experiments
Demo at ACM SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live!
July 2024 - A long-time dream of mine came true! We showed a demo at one of the most challenging categories at the premiere computer graphics conference. You can watch it on YouTube or read my detailled experience report.
Demo at ACM SIGGRAPH Real-Time Live!
Invited Talk at MLBriefs
May 2024 - I gave an invited talk at the 4th IPOL MLBriefs workshop. held at ENS Paris-Saclay.
Invited Talk at MLBriefs
Best XR Demo at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia
15 December 2023 - Together with our collaborators from Tokyo, we got the award for best XR demo (audience vote) at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia in Sydney, Australia. It simply was a PerfectFit!
Best XR Demo at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia
Invited Talk at Big Techday
7 July 2023 - Invited Talk at TNG Technology Consulting’s Big Techday 23 in Munich, Germany.
Invited Talk at Big Techday
Keynote at MediaFutures
16 November 2022 - Keynote at the annual meeting of MediaFutures in Bergen, Norway.
Keynote at MediaFutures
Talk at Collège de France
April 2022 - Part of Wendy Mackay’s HCI Seminar at the Collège de France.
Talk at Collège de France


Dr. Christian Sandor is a Professor at Université Paris-Saclay and the leader of the ARAI team at CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique). Since the year 2000, his foremost research interest is Augmented Reality, as he believes that it will have a profound impact on the future of mankind.

In 2005, he obtained a doctorate in Computer Science from the Technische Universität München, Germany under the supervision of Prof. Gudrun Klinker and Prof. Steven Feiner. He decided to explore the research world in the spirit of Alexander von Humboldt and has lived outside of Germany ever since to work with leading research groups at institutions including: The University of Tokyo (Japan), Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan), Columbia University (New York, USA), Canon’s Leading-Edge Technology Research Headquarters (Tokyo, Japan), Graz University of Technology (Austria), University of Stuttgart (Germany), University of South Australia, City University of Hong Kong, and Tohoku University (Japan).

Together with his students, he won multiple awards at the premier Augmented Reality conference, IEEE International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality (IEEE ISMAR): best demo (2011, 2016) and best poster honorable mention (2012, 2013). Further awards include: best short paper at ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry (2018), best paper at ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (2018), and best demo (audience vote) at ACM SIGGRAPH Asia XR (2023).

He has presented several keynotes and has acquired over 3 million USD funding. In 2012, he was awarded in Samsung’s Global Research Outreach Program. In 2014, he received a Google Faculty Award for creating an Augmented Reality X-Ray system for Google Glass. In October 2020, he was appointed Augmented Reality Evangelist at the Guangzhou Greater Bay Area Virtual Reality Research Institute. In 2021, Dr. Sandor was named “Associate Editor of the Year” by IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics.

He serves as an editorial board member for IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics and as a steering committee member for ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction. He has been program chair for numerous conferences, including IEEE ISMAR, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia XR, and ACM SIGGRAPH Asia Symposium On Mobile Graphics And Interactive Applications.